Wednesday 25 February 2009

Iron Fists

I'm currently writing an essay about how the public relations industry and mass consumerism is used to influence propaganda and public opinion through advertising and design.

My source material dates back to the early 1920's when Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays coined the term 'public relations' and created techniques for business that would subconsciously influence public desire.

I am reading Steven Heller's 'Iron Fists : branding of the 20th century totalitarian state' as Bernays's methods somewhat resemble powers of suggestion used by Hitler, government officials such as Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan; not to mention the more recent political campaign of President Obama.

If anyone has any source information (books, articles, documentaries, blogs) they think would be benficial then please let me know, especially in the area of Barack Obamas campaign strategies.

I have a quote from Hellers book that I would like people to pass comment on. Do you agree or disagree and why?

"Modern totalitarian states market themselves both to reinforce their power over a captive populace obliged to consume the dominant ideology and to extend the reach of that ideology to the hold-outs, the not yet captive, and the next generation. Corporate branding, on the other hand, is ostensibly a benign practice, intended to convince consumers to make informed choices."

Please visit my blog to leave comments...

Thank you!

Thursday 19 February 2009

Local Networking

I may or may not have mentioned this before but there's a couple of Nottingham based collectives for those who make things and have lots of work to sell, or for those who just want to meet people within industry...

The Nottingham Craft Mafia, founded by a friend of mine, is a membership based scheme that puts on exhibitions and events to showcase members work. They also have their own shop next to the Malt Cross.

Glug is a networking evening held at Brownes. for those that use MyFace and such things.


For those of you into music and visuals you need to check this out...

The Contakt Tour from Richie Hawtin's minimal/techno label M_nus is the perfect example of music visuals! He and his VJ use iChat throughout the gig to keep in constant communication... The result is one awesome show!!! (If you're into this sort of thing).

The video has a really long intro but just watch how the M_nus logo gradually forms on the screen before Hawtin drops the base... Slick!

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Emma Hanquist

Beautiful mixed media illustration from Swedish designer Emma Hanquist - 

Browse her portfolio at  HTTP:// - a really nice site too. Great work.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Art vs. Design. Your opinion counts!

This is for 1st years, 2nd years, lecturers and anyone else who has an opinion.

I would like to ask you all to take a few minutes to leave your opinions on how closely linked you believe Fine Art (2D) and Graphic Design are. This could include your own personal definition of the two disiplines, how artists and designers differ and relate, and any examples you've found of design that you would consider art and vice versus.

Through my research I have found that the communication aspects play a huge part in defining the differences between art and design but in todays world is there a clear line between the two? As you think about it more you will probably feel alot stronger about this subject than you expected.

Thank you for your time and a strong reponse should really strengthen my essay.

Natalie, year 2, HND Graphics

Friday 6 February 2009

Kerry Saretsky: The Curious Case of the Better Adaptation

Some background on the origins of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. The use of image and typography on the current movie's poster is a beautiful use of symmetry. Note the use of the word 'Life' reflected to create what is initially seen as an elaborate swirl that holds the title. Genius.