Friday 24 April 2009

Now Showing

Just flicking through some of the old Monograph's from Creative Review and was reminded how good the 'Now Showing' posters are. Wonderful retro redesigns from leading designers.

Zip Up Tangles

Yanko Design

Yanko Design is a web magazine dedicated to introducing the best modern international design - from industrial design, concepts, technology, interior design, architecture, exhibition and fashion. It’s about the cutting edge and the classic, the new and the rediscovered. It’s all about the best.

If you recall the Letterpress cover of Janurary's Creative Review at a letterpress workshop in São Paulo - Coolhunting has made a very nice film at the same workshop, interviewing the guys who printed the original cover artwork

Jarvis does Nike

Illustrator James Jarvis and Shynola director Richard Kenworthy have collaborated on a lovely new film for Nike. Oh, and you can see Jarvis talk at our Portfolios event.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Ten Graphic Design Paradoxes

06: Ideas usually fail not because they're bad ideas, but because they're badly presented. The ability to present an idea is as important as the idea itself. The single most important thing we need to remember when presenting work to clients is that they are terrified at the prospect of what we are going to show them. For clients, commissioning design is like going into a furniture showroom to buy a sofa and being told by the salesperson, “Sure, I can sell you a sofa. But I can’t show it to you.” Who ever spent money on something they couldn’t see? Yet this is precisely what we ask our clients to do when they commission us.

For the rest of the article, head on over to -

Thursday 16 April 2009

Create your own books! is a great lil resource for all who'd like to create professional books/portfolios. They have a wide range of book templates and pricing is based on page count/quality. Download their easy to use software, populate it with your work (you have creative freedom) and submit. They'll print and post to your door! Perfect for 2nd yr student portfolios or any other projects you'd like to compile into a book :)

Wednesday 1 April 2009