Monday 9 July 2007

Introduce Yourselves

Don't be shy...


Anonymous said...

Hello all,

My name is Richard Johnson and I will be one of your Course Leaders and Lecturers throughout the duration of the two year HND course.

My specialism is in Graphic Design, in which I have worked professionally since 1998 after winning a D&AD First Award (you'll find out how important a Yellow Pencil is) and still continue to work Freelance. What's the point in not practicing what you're preach?

I won't lie to any of you, becoming a Graphic Designer is extremely difficult. On my course I expect any student who enrolls to give 200%. It isn't good enough to be good - you have to be 'great'. The projects we write are meant to engage and challenge you as designers - help you become informed and develop an opinion.

If you really are here to waste my time and other turors', while burning 4k - then feel free. You're adult learners now and responsible for your own decisions in life.

But think of this, one day you may be asked to design something, which involves decision making on an entirely different level that pays very well.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi all

My name is Mike Choo, I'm 25, and I'm simultaneously scared and very excited about starting on this course.

I work at Powergen as a Customer Service Specialist (sorting out when people's gas bills have gone wrong), and I've recently got a additional role as an assistant trainer. Prior to this, I have worked as a martial arts instructor, a camera salesman, and worked at a bike company doing various roles from the workshop to designing brochures and other bits. Which was nice.

I have a 2.1 in Design Technology with Management Studies. I'm very happily married with 1 wife and 0 kids.

I like photography, Drum & Bass, nice typography, Transformers, video games, reading, cartoons, bad puns, Beth (my wife), being surprised, and a bit of peace and quiet. I'm not so keen on the neighbours' current hobby of breaking stuff and setting things on fire.

Every so often my friends and I get together and make short films, just for fun (See Youtube link above).

I'm looking forward to meeting new people, and finding out about this 'Graphic Design' I keep hearing about.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hello Mike,

Love the martial arts film. Be interesting to see how all of your varied interests begin to shape your Graphic Design projects.

Being a true geek is the first step towards becoming a sucessful Graphic Design student.

See you in september.


Anonymous said...

Hi im jess,

if you want to know more more about me you can loo at my myspace thingy.

you can add me if you want but send me a message saying youre on the course otherwise i wont add you :)

by the way mike, transformers are ace its true.
see you soon

Ja said...

Hi all I'm Ja Mcgillion, I'm looking forward to starting this year on the HND graphic design course, it's all new to me been out the game for some time, so I think it will take me a while to get my head around a few things, and thanks Richard your speech the other day scared the hell out of me and inspired me at the same time, mostly scared though.

I've been told by many people I am hard to get along with and understand, I ask too many questions Im too much of a perfectionist and never satisfied with what I do, I just think I'm misunderstood sometimes.

I've just set up a site on my space it isn't great right now but over time hopefully that will change, say hello

Looking forward to getting to know the lecturers and students.

All the best Ja

D351GN3R_1138 said...

Hey all, Andy/[&e] here. I've been studying at NCN for 3 years now 'tis something awesome...

I'm starting the second year of Graphic Design hoping to make it to a third year top-up degree... thing...

I like to think I give 195% to the course.... the 5% is all in those sketchbooks... but this year!


D351GN3R_1138 said...

Oh yeah, check out my myspaz at

Do it...