Monday 11 August 2008

Year One Summer Project

The project is simple – Only using a black pen and the colour orange produce
10 drawings on 10 pieces paper measuring 10cm by 10cm.

Keep your eyes open - observe. You can draw anything you like from life, the limitation in format, size, colour and medium should restrict your drawings and force you to produce 10 graphical exercises. Look at weight of line as much as wit - you may play with adding quirky slogans and illustrate from them. Or, a diagramatic drawing of a house or interior.

They don't have to be works of art you have spent hours on - learn to 'symbolise and summarise.'

Why not upload your observations and chat about the project amongst yourselves before you start the course.


Unknown said...

Hello. I'm Tammy. 30 years old, married with two kids and I'm doing design in September - obviously I'm panicking about going back to studying after all this time.

I've been looking at the summer project we have been set and I'm already confused (not a good start!!) I'm not sure if we are meant to draw things we see in real life or stuff from imagination? or is it a combination of the two?

munkey86 said...

Hi tammy i'm Keighley I'm 22 and going back to study after 4yrs away so same as you abit aprehensive but excited!..For the summer project it states to draw things from life but I'm also presuming from the comment about being quriky that you can add abit of imagination in to it..hope this helps!

Unknown said...

Hi Keighley. It's nice to hear from someone in my class - we can get to know each-other before we start.

I assumed I was going along the right lines for the summer project, but I think my nerves for September are taking over and I'm second guessing everything I do!!

Have you started the project yet? I have been thinking of what to draw mostly, but I have a couple already done.

Have you done the art & design foundation before doing this course? I haven't studied for about 8 years, and I'm rather nervous about being too old!!

Tony said...

Hello everyone, I'm Tony and I'm starting the design course in September. This is my first time in full-time education and naturally nervous mainly because I maybe the old man of the class at 43 years old. I'm mainly a 3D guy, my stuff is imaginative though not strictly graphic. Look forward to meeting you all and broadening my horizons.

Unknown said...

Hi Tony. I'm glad I'm not the only mature student. I was worried that there would only be me!!! I'm really nervous about going back to study after all these years. I just hope I can fit everything in around my kids.

What type of 3D stuff have you done? My husband is currently learning 3D Max but I don't grasp it really.

Tony said...

Hi Tammy,no need to worried about being to old, I dont imagine anyone older than me on the course do you?.All the 3D stuff I do is done with 3D MAX,and finished off in photoshop, I have been using MAX for about 5 years now its a great tool for graphics,you just have to dig deep to find what you need. Im just in the process of putting a few images on deviant art website so you can see my influences and style

Unknown said...

Hi Tony. Let me know where to find you on Deviant Art and I'll have a look.

Anonymous said...

hello Tammy you can find my stuff on From the homepage type by:kronenslovechild in the search section and it will take you to my gallery,make sure you click the NEWEST tab on the righthand side to see all my images. Let me know what you think.

Unknown said...

Hi Tony. I had a look on Deviant Art, and was very impressed with your work. The website picture is really good, but my favorite is The Study. I would have that as a print on my wall.

Anonymous said...

Come on folks dont be shy,there must be more than Me,Tammy and Keighley on this course,reveal yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for looking Tammy glad you liked my stuff.How is everybody doing with the ten drawings,not as easy as it sounds heh?

Unknown said...

I have maybe four or five ideas for the summer project. Thankfully we still have about four weeks to go.

Can I be nosy and ask what ideas people have come up with.

I have a picture depicting decisions in life and a funny windy day picture.

Anonymous said...

hello tammy,Ive got a girl with no face,a couple of wierd creatures made of wire,couple of loose linework ideas and a clockwork man {boy am I Strange}

Unknown said...

We should get along very well then as I am incredibly strange - I was just trying to keep my drawings a bit normal looking, but I think I should just let the weirdness run free :)

Anonymous said...

My missus says all arty types are strange, beginning to think she's

Unknown said...

Have you bought the compulsory text The Art of Looking Sideways. It's a fab book. I've been reading it and it's changed my view of perceiving things. The part about Adam & Eve and the belly button problem has had me repeating this to so many people, everyone must think I'm mad!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I'm Holly, and i am 20 years old. Pretty nervous but looking forward to studying Design in Sept. Not long to go! I am profoundly deaf but can lip-read, so i thought it would be better to tell you here before greeting each others. Don't want y'all to feel uncomfortable or anything around me. If you don't understand what i am saying, just ask to repeat! :)

Unknown said...

Hi Holly. I'm Tammy. I'm 30 and married with a 6 & 5 year old child. I'm panicking about studying after all this time and I'm beginning to doubt my own skills, I'm sure I'll be fine when I start the course.

How are you getting along with the summer project?

Anonymous said...

Hi Holly I'm Tony, Thats very thoughful of you, but Im sure you will be fine, once we all get to see each other face to face all our nerves will dissappear.
As you have probably guessed me and Tammy are strange, tellus what kind of art you into?

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy Sounds like a great read ,always had trouble thinking outside the box,think this will help

Nic74 said...

Hi all!. I'm Nic, 34 years old. Its good to see there are a broad age range of people starting in sept. I'm also glad to hear that I'm not the only one who has the jitters about going back to school,lol. I've just looked at the summer project and it does seem quite open to interpretation. I guess I'll do some scribbling and see what emerges from that. The induction day sounds like it will be interesting. At the broadway cinema too, I wonder if we'll be able to have a small drink on the day, to calm te nerves etc,lol. Looking forward to starting and meeting everyone.

Unknown said...

Hi Nic, nice to hear from you. I do know that after our induction at the Broadway Cinema on 1st Oct, there is meant to be a wine reception so we can get to know everyone a little better - according to the student union.

I'm getting there with my summer project. I think I have about 6 or 7 pics. Kids are back at school on Friday - Yay!!!!! :) so I will have peace to get stuck in.

So, has anyone bought the compulsory text - or is it just me? It's a really heavy book and I'm not looking forward to carrying it to college!!!

design@ncn said...

'...presuming from the comment about being quriky that you can add abit of imagination in to it..hope this helps!'

Well I think that little observation got the ball well and truly rolling.

Relax everyone - no need to be nervous...


Enjoy the project, you can really put to paper anything you like and you all seem to be encouraging each other which is great. The main idea is to see how your mind's work initially and how you interpret simple...yet still confusing instructions independently, yet at the same time show the initiative to find help if you need it.

That is what the blog is to be used for.

Also helps us gage which students are motivated enough in the first place! Slackers simply need to get off their arses.

In the meantime we are looking forward to meeting you all on the 29th September.

Unknown said...

Hello. I've been sent the enrolment date of 24th Sept and induction 1st Oct...what's the 29th? Is this the actual start date? I don't think I'd give a good impression if I missed the first day :)

design@ncn said...


No idea why you have been told the 1st October - unless that is the Library induction. First day is monday 29th September for the start of induction week. Course commences the following monday.

Hope this helps. In the meantime, keep your eue on the blog for updated posts. Things will kick in to gear more once projects commence.


design@ncn said...

Just to clarify - you enrol on Wednesday 24th, start on Monday 29the for induction week. Then on Wednesday the 1st you have an 'induction day' at Broadway Cinema.


Unknown said...

Hi Richard, what are we doing on induction week? Is it all week or just a couple of days?

design@ncn said...

All week...

...tis always a surprise - that's most of the fun!

In the meantime, relax.


Unknown said...

Hello again!!!

I am rather worried at the moment, as I know we will be working with computers on photoshop, etc, but I have no clue how these programs work - I'm not super when it comes to computers. My husband has tried to show me, but I just don't seem to grasp it.

What level will we be taught the computer side of things - will it be from basics, or should I have some knowledge on how photoshop works?

design@ncn said...


You won't go near a computer until Semester 2 - it's optional for final production. Therefore you will have 16 weeks of theory and harnessing your ideas and putting your traditional skills to good use. When Mac Studies begins in Semester 2 I throw people in at the deep end - this isn't to say you won't learn the basics. By 'deep end' I mean that I will show you the advanced techniques that will help you with your project - basic techniques often create basic ideas.

All that said, I gage students' abilities and give them extra support and seperate tasks if they are stuggling. It may be that you wish to have one to one sessions with me on the computers during the first Semester so you are more prepared or with one or two other students who will be in the same boat.


design@ncn said...


Bear in mind that if you are 3D orientated, then you will be learning CAD in Semester 1. You will only learn basic presentation skills via photoshop. If you are Graphics, refer to the comments above.


Unknown said...

Hi Richard.

I will be graphics, but I would like to take up your offer of sessions on the computer, so I can feel confident in my second semester.

Computers is the one part of the course that scares me the most. I've tried doing some of the tutorials on Computer Arts site, but they just confuse me.

design@ncn said...

You won't be the only one so not to worry. Computer Arts often has advanced tutorials rather than basics so more than likely another reason you are struggling. I would advise you get a book on Photoshop, such as 'Photoshop for Dummies'.

For now it's always good practice to stay away from filters - it upsets me when I see drop shadows and bevel emboss.

In the meantime keep drawing - I'd rather see a good traditional piece scanned in and printed back out 50 times than something using awful gimmicks in photoshop.


Anonymous said...

Hi Richard, just curious as to which CAD software we will be using in the first semester if thats our chosen path.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Richard that was me asking about the 3d software

Anonymous said...

Dont suppose anybody knows where to find any decent images by Syd Mead seems to be nothing out there except expensive/out of print books
which is strange considering his
influence on design.{or am I not looking in the right place}

design@ncn said...


As far as I am aware it is AutoCAD. This isn't something I teach but if you wish to know more you may contact your CAD tutor, Sue Luger on 0115 910 4660.

As for Syd Mead we have the Magazine ImagineFX which ran an excellent feature on him a couple of issues back, I think issue #32. We have it in the library. More info about that particular issue here -

I happen to have Oblagon at home which is one of the expensive, out of print books you mentioned and can bring that in for you to look at when you start.

Not sure if you have visited his official site some clips to his new documentary also snippets and various docs on Youtube -

Good interview over at the Ballistic website too -

More website images here -

Hope this helps,


Nic74 said...

Wine reception sounds cool!. Regards the project, I just started doing some simple sketches of current issues in the media etc. I've tried to make them interesting etc. I want to have them a little tidier though. As with alot of things, it seems like the more I do, the further I get away from the end goal, which is frustrating,lol.
Can't believe the "summer" seems to have met with such a drizzly end.

Unknown said...

Hi Nic, Sounds like you have a great plan for your project. I think I've over thought my sketches - I've now hit a complete blank!!! I have about 7 or 8 maybe...but I'm not totally happy with them.

There's still a month before lessons begin, so I'm sure I'll have them finished!!!

design@ncn said...

Don't mistake 'all hard work as good work' - these drawings are as much about learning to let go. If a good idea takes 2 minutes then so be it.

This is also something you will have to come to grips with as a creative.


kat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kat said...

hi im kat 23 years old.
i havent been in education for three years so im nervos of the come back! i have a daughter michelle who is 10 months.

just a reply to holly, im hard of hearing with two hearing aids- i know sign but i learnt in yorkshire so it may be a little different and a bit rusty.

kat said...

hi its kat again,
just wondering if we learn cad?
my previous employer has offered part time work during the course if i learn it

Unknown said...

Hi Richard. I know what you mean, I think my nerves are getting to me at the moment, and I am questioning my ability to be creative.

The kids are back at school now, so I am hoping to get time to sit and let my imagination run wild!!!

I'll be fine once I begin college - it's been 7 years since I last studied!!!

Hello Kat. How are you? I'm Tammy. I am 30 with two kids. I think we are all nervous about college. We will all be fine after our first day (and everyone on here up to now seems really friendly). Richard left a comment a couple of days ago about people dong the 3d side will learn CAD.

I am doing graphics as I am rather scared of computers - I can't work photoshop even though my hubby has sat down with me on several occasions to show me how to work it (and managing to keep calm when I curse and swear at his precious computer!!)

Are you doing 3d or graphics?

Anonymous said...

hi tammy its kat.
im doing 3d side of design but i still get annoyed with computers sometimes.
yes people on here seem friendly which is great for my nerves.
i got a few years untill my little one starts school, she has just started climbing up things including me! all good fun

design@ncn said...

Just to let you know Kat - this is a 'Design' course, so even though I say 3D learn CAD, if Graphics wish to learn it too, we can arrange that.


Unknown said...

Hi Richard. That's good to know as I was discussing this with my husband yesterday about what I would be studying, and I didn't want to limit myself to just graphics.

Just on a side note - is there any 'ART' included on this course? I know assignments will be design-based (typography, etc), I was just wondering if we do any painting, etc.

design@ncn said...


Most tutors on the course think primarily as 'artists' first and we make sure students think the same way when you begin to learn about the creative process. It's how I've always worked - the ideas become 'designs' once you make them commercial and they are restricted by the problem you have to solve.

My work tends to lean more towards illustration and therefore my 'graphic art', if you will, employs many artistic processes such as simple mark making execises. So, it's these techniques I show individuals.

For more of an idea vist - there's a link to my deviantART gallery which is the most up to date work.


Anonymous said...

hi everyone! i'm mondi, i'm 19 and have just finished a year out working full time at john lewis. I'm getting quite nervous now! i did the ND course previously, and none have you have anything to worry about, it's pretty easy to pick the computer side up, probably harder with CAD than with the graphics progs, but assuming it's the same teachers, they're friendly and helpful so do not fear!

kat said...

hello richard,
i would preffer to try different areas before specialising.
i have always found 3d design my stronger point over subjects like fine art. However i only briefly touched graphics in previous courses.

Nanaki said...

Hi Everyone,

Are we suppose to draw anything from real life and imagination stuff? but does it have to be something 3D like a box or something?

I'm totally confused about the summer project.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a lot of comments about decisions to explore the 3D and CAD training thats available on the course.All I can say is don't dismiss 3D as a tool you cant intergrate into your workflow.I use 3D MAX and PHOTOSHOP
together in every image I produce,so give it a go, I can guarantee you will amazed at whats possible when you mix these tools.
check out my stuff on DEVIANT ART
to see whats possible.

Anonymous said...

Hi , Just wondering what everyone will be taking with them on the first day..sektch books and sizes and media etc..?

Anonymous said...

Hi Richard

I wanted to ask a question:

Is the Design course just about graphic design?

design@ncn said...

The course is about 'Design' so will be delivered as such. You will find, as is the nature of things, that there will be more interest in Graphics from individuals but everyone will have the chance to explore other disciplines. Students will produce, product, interior, and graphical outcomes.

Research is imperative and all students will develop a thorough understanding the influences of design on society and the methods of the creative process.

Each tutor has their own specialism and interests in areas of design - my background happens to be graphics.

Hope this helps,


kat said...

hi, i have almost done the summer project, i hope i have it right! i just done sketches of vairious items in black and used orange as shading or to make things stand out more. i put a couple of funny comments on some. what has everyone elce done?

i have just confirmed a work placement with severn trent water for fridays using autocad. when i have learnt it properly and proved i can use it, ill get payed for it. i have to admit i had to be persistant and cheeky to get the placement! ;)

my last day as a process operator for severn trent water is on monday then thats it ready for college! im getting more and more nervous.

Unknown said...

Hi Kat. I've done the same as you for the summer project - but I only have 8 pictures at the moment and can't seem to think of anymore. I've still got two weeks so I should manage to come up with two more. I think I've spent more time thinking of a nice way to present them.

I can't believe we enrol a week on Wednesday. My nerves have really kicked in now. I've been keeping myself calm this last week by going to different galleries and having a night out with hubby (it was our 7th anniversary). I went to Castle Gallery yesterday and fell in love with the work of Jeff Rowland. His paintings are wonderful. Have you seen his work?

Take care, T x

munkey86 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
munkey86 said...

Hi..hope everyone is well..Just wondering if anyone knows what is involved on enrolment day and do we need to take anything with us other than the obvious - ourselves and some form of paying for the course?
Not doing too bad on my summer project and its really getting me in the mood to be back designing though not entirely happy with them, i'll put this down to a blip in time away from study.
see you all then!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I've been sent the enrolment date of 24th Sept. Just wondered how long do we have to stay there for? As, got a hopsital appointment for my ear check up. Many thanks! Looking forward to see y'all.

design@ncn said...

The induction shouldn't take any longer that 2 hours.


munkey86 said...

Hi Richard , I was just wondering what sort of hours the induction week will be?


design@ncn said...

9.15-4.30 Mon to fri.

Unknown said...

t are the days/times for our course? I need to sort childcare.

design@ncn said...

Mon/tues: 9.15 - 4.30
Wed: 9.30 - 12.00
Thurs: 9.15 - 4.30

Unknown said...

sorry, that first word should say...what...

Unknown said...

Hi Richard. Do we have lessons every day?

The Wednesday and Thursday are awkward for me with the kids. I can only do a 10 till 2 day on a Thursday, and 10am Wednesday.

design@ncn said...

Excuses, excuses - and you haven't even started the course yet! ;op

No problem Tammy - as long as you are at the wednesday lecture which is timetabled 10.30-12 that's fine. Thursday is studio time, so mainly One to One.

If you are wondering what you are missing out on wed morning, this time is taken up by individual tutorials if a students wishes to speak to a tutor. We can always do this in your studio time.

Hope this helps,


Unknown said...

Hi Richard. Thanks for sorting out the times for me. Arranging things around kids can be a bit of a pain!!

I have another problem with induction week. My husband is starting the second year of his multimedia course the same week as my induction, so Wed, Thurs and Fri afternoons will be overlapping. I would need to be leaving college at 2pm to pick kids up from school. Will this be a problem in induction week?

design@ncn said...

As long as you finish the project, unfortunately on the thursday you have a one day project to complete.

Just means you'll have to work twice as fast.


Unknown said...

No worries! I'll try and see if I can get my parents to collect kids from school.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
munkey86 said...

Hi Richard , Just to clarify with you as Graham did the interview with myself..I have something really bothering me..I work 12hr shifts and am therefore not able to attend college everyday howvever i only work 12 shifts a month and have a week off every month, graham said that this was fine for me to attend on days off between my shifts ,this would mean that i would miss one and sometimes possible 2 lectures a this going to be ok with yourself?

I will be able to attend the full induction week.


design@ncn said...

As long as I know about it, this is fine. We'll just make up time in tutorials and make sure you get copies of notes and handouts.


design@ncn said...


You're welcome to discuss things further via or simply have a chat with myself and Graham on Wednesday at enrolment.


munkey86 said...

That's great..i feel a lot better now that's cleared.. thank you

Unknown said...

Hi Keighley. I was also panicking about the times clashing with picking kids up from school...but Richard seems to be fairly flexible, thankfully.

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone on Wednesday. I can't believe we start on Monday!!!

munkey86 said...

Hi , Tammy..sounds like we'll be just fine..I feel more comfortable about the open door system they seem to have going is your summer project are you all finished?

Unknown said...

Hi Keighley, I have completely finished it today. I have put the pictures into a book I've made to present them nicely.

Have you finished yours?

Anonymous said...

Hi there
can anyone write the timetable for the induction week, I think I've lost it. what time do we come on Monday?

Anonymous said...

9:15 - 4:30 everyday

design@ncn said...


Anonymous said...

Just a thought but lets get everyone who is in our FDA Design group and create a group Facebook, so this enables even more access for students to chat to each other about work!!!

Bhavesh Supeda

iFISIGN said...

i thought thats what this site was for?

Nanaki said...

Not a bad idea tho...

iFISIGN said...

hey guys just been doin some reaserch for the "its not a brick" thing and came acros some oriami speakers from muji. copie and paste this into youre address bar;

you buy them flat packed!!

Nanaki said...

The oriami speakers are koool!

Anonymous said...

Does any1 have Jennyz email?
