Wednesday 5 November 2008

MTV Laptop Design

Here is a live project that i will be initiating in Visual Studies with the Fda 1st years and the 2nd year HND on Monday 17th November
John Farmer


munkey86 said...

This looks wicked but im not in on monday :o(

design@ncn said...

Keighley, I will give you the information when you are in. john

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sony recently ran a competition like this here are the wining entries

Steve said...

They look pretty sweet. I'm sure we can do better!

Anonymous said...

This looks cool, can't wait to start this project.

design@ncn said...

well hopefully two weeks should be enough to rattle a great design out
john f

James Random said...

Quick question; what colour is this notebook going to be? I mean there's no point doing a design in pink or yellow if the notebook is going to be grey because that would be horrific.

design@ncn said...

you are getting a little ahead of yourself at the minute Robin, we'll talk about it in greater detail on Monday if you are in. Just for the record if the colour of the laptop is grey in tone, yellow and pink as colours go fantastically well together.
john f

Anonymous said...

If you look at the designs that have already been done it appears that you get to choose all the colours even those of the keys.

::DeaconFour:: said...

Great project!

Anonymous said...

Soundz wicked!


James Random said...

Just want to raise a probably quite important point.
As well as designing the cover for the notebook, all of the entries so far (over 4000 entries) that I have seen have also included design for the section of plastic at the fore of the keyboard where the trackpad is situated. Also, the colour of the keys can be made your choice, it seems.
This is a good example: (though crap design)

It also seems as though you can have more than one entry. Some people in the contest appear to have several designs. So if you have several ideas, run with them all.

The official rules can be found here:

James Random said...

Sorry, the end seemed to have got cut off the end of that example link.

Rupert said...

i was just trying to find out what model of the hp notebook are we designing for? I know you want us to find the dimensions, but there are so many different models, that I was just wondering if anyone knew?

Anonymous said...

There is a template you can download if you sign up, and go to submit designs.

James Random said...

Do you have a direct link to the download page? I can't find it.

Rupert said...

you have to sign up for the competition and after than you go to where you upload your designs. there is an attachment on the popup that allows you to download the template, the place to upload your design is on your homepage once you've signed up for the competition
Thanks ash xXx

James Random said...

I know the brief is only to do the exterior. But you *have* to have an interior design for the upload to work.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else had problems uploading designs, ive tried e-mailing them but they havnt got back to me. The upload system seems a bit shit and glitchy (it never seems to work).

Rupert said...

do we have to have the design on the exterior template for the presentation or can we present it as it is and then upload it after?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that James, very helpful.

Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble uploading mine as well.

Ash have you heard back from them by e-mail yet?

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me that what do we need to talk about in the presenatation?

If the presenatation is not good enough will it effect the marks/grade?

James Random said...

Presentation always has a bearing on your overall grade, yes.
Your presentation wants to be like a woman's skirt. Short enough to hold interest by long enough to cover the essentials. No more than 5 minutes. Just a quick overview of how you came to arrive at the design you did.

As for uploading. None of mine have shown up yet and I've done five, so far. I'm beginning to think you have to do a complete 10 before they actually show up. But bear in mind that they are only a finite amount of people who recieve 10,000's of entries a day.

I also emailed them and have heard nothing in response.

James Random said...

I'm not sure on that one either, Rupert. I have put my design in-situ (IE: i found an image of a macbook pro from a stock site and placed my image onto it) but as far as the template goes it's incredibly small when you print it out. It might be good for your screen-presentation as a .jpg though.

Anonymous said...

Although, we can understand if you are on a banana boat to Australia.

James Random said...

While sarcasm is a form of wit. It is still the lowest.

Anonymous said...

At least it's shown up.

Anonymous said...

All the submitted designs have gone up all at once its a bit shit but please vote for me Ashley Hunt :D

Anonymous said...

To come on this course it has cost me thousands of pounds. I turn up each day, do my work and value the help and opinions of all my peers and tutors.
However i find it very frustrating when someone continually leaves notes on the blog and facebook supposedly giving us all his wise words of a 'man' well 'travelled'. And when the mood takes him, strolls in to collage after days/weeks of absence.
Is there really any need to put us all through this anymore???

Just a 'random' thought.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, in my haste to say my bit , I meant to say college, not collage!

Anonymous said...

What makes you think it's about you James??????

James Random said...

What makes me think it wasn't?

James Random said...

...apart from the fact you're about as subtle as an elephant in a library?

Anonymous said...

well, if needs must.

Oh and by the way, thank you for your advice on treating the presentation today like a womans skirt....
...what a man.

Anonymous said...

Let's all have a hug.

James Random said...

No problem.

Anonymous said...

No thanks.

James Random said...

You like to get the last word in there, now doncha?

Anonymous said...

lol pot/kettle

design@ncn said...

Okay everyone -

I must say this is one of the most valued arguments I have seen so far on the blog and is a good example of every one voicing their own opinions about any 'problems' they have.

Please bear in mind that every single comment that is added on here comes directly to my email, so in the morning I get a stream of informative and often entertaining comments we can all use.

I agree with everything my students say on here - you all know we are very proud of you so far and try and help you as much as we possibly can. So, any student that appears to be condescending in any way is an insult to us all as 'learners'.

There are a number of matters that have been brought to my attention about this student and a DISCIPLINARY is in action based on what I have heard outside of College and the blog. I will look into suspending the student until the matter is resolved.

My advice is to ignore the problem and often it will go away. Except if it's a design problem of course.
