Wednesday 16 December 2009

"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" opening scene.....

A really clever opening scene- notice how even the pace/speed of the visuals fit in spot on with the music and gunshot sounds.


Tuesday 15 December 2009

Saul Bass

Direct link to the Saul Bass title sequences -



Wonderfull overview of Typography brought to life via animation. You can check out the rest of Ryan Uhrich's work via his Vemo page.

Sunday 13 December 2009

great show on the aesthetics in architecture of modern britains homes

.....does whatever an iron can.....

hey there comicbook fans!
so it begins!

online viral advertising is he way forwards since the big shocker that was the dark knight
so here we go again with the next iron man instalment!
personally cannot wait as love robert downey jnr, see him in 'kiss,kiss,bang,bang' if you havent seen it already


mask night at the broadway.
for the film where the wild things are
check out the website!
anyone fancy it im going
great afterparty for college

Monday 7 December 2009

Creative Review

Worth keeping up to date via the site and their wonderful blog. Make sure you check out the Alison Carmichael Christmas cards.

Saturday 5 December 2009

More Illustrations....

...Hannah Baileys illustrations are worth a look, along with Mark Judges & Kit Mason.

My all time favourite on this site is the work by "Alice Pattullo"....I LOVE the photographs mixed with textiles to produce almost a kitschy and retro good...


Friday 4 December 2009

p....p.....p.....p.....p....p....pick up a penguin

the history of Penguin books i find fascinating the more i read about their history. Finding this link i thought of the new project as it involves a cover design as well as the actual sequential art part. Enjoy and i hope you find inspiration and a new love for some of the designers in particular one of my favourites Alan Aldridge.


inspiration in other mediums......

hey you bloggers....

whenever i find i have creative blocks i try to gain new inspiration through watching other mediums such as mooching through youtube or as in this case going to creative websites and playing or searching, as i have found in the past that when youre not looking too hard the answer appears. So with this in mind i wanted to post a link to this website for a film called 'Donnie Darko'. If you haven't seen it well go on and buy it for three pounds form most consumerist chains as most independents have long since passed, but anyway thats me venting my anti- capitalist views as i frequently do in my head, more so in the relevance that this new project is for poetry. With poetry its about imagining a text and interpretation, websites can also show these same values. If anything have fun and enjoy the graphics alone.....


Kev Crossley

Kev will be visiting the Studio Tuesday, 8th December, 1.30pm.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Illustrations & Comic strips

Hi all,
I've found this website with good examples of illustrations & comic strips to get us "thinking".....


Tuesday 24 November 2009

some great pieces

shop in carnaby street, visuals are quite inspiring


Sunday 22 November 2009


Some fantastic surface textures and fonts to use for inspiration.....


Wednesday 18 November 2009

Revolution Paper

Graham has mentioned how good this free exhibit is at the british Museum.

Anish Kapoor

A must see - seeing as our date is confirmed now, we'd recommend you go and see this on the last day.

London Trip suggestions

Hi all,
This exhibition is being held at the Tate Modern until January-

It's write up sounded good in my Grazia mag- sum it up- "Was Warhol the first to have the idea that a person could become a brand? It shows how the father of Pop Art bequeathed an art scene where creativity are linked. As well as Warhol, there are works by Jeff Koons, Keith Haring & Damien Hirst".

And if that doesn't tempt you then perhaps the merchandise in the gift shop there will......


Tuesday 17 November 2009


completely off kilt here but i found the first ten minutes of my all time favourite tv series on youtube........... it's called Brimstone and stars john glover aka lionel luthor from smallville as the devil. check it out as it got better and better but then, well, see for yourselves


rummaging through the world of the web to find some places we could be visiting in london

get your taste buds popping people on the idea of going to london in december, heres a few things i found this very eve..............

also since when has derby had a mediatheque, i visited the one in london and it was a stunning archive of films, tv and well you name it all under one roof dating back to the nineteen twenties its like youtube but alot more selective

if anyone else finds anything to go to lets talk to rich and graham and see what we can arrange so that the trip is more productive

Thursday 12 November 2009

Another great website, featuring graphic design, photography, tutorials & typography etc.

Worth a look....

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Retro UP Posters

Stunning use of retro themes that add further depth and maturity to this wonderful animated film.

Check out the rest of the designs here, encorporating Art Deco and 1950s abstract styles -

Monday 2 November 2009

Packaging link..

Hi all,

I've just come across this really good website on packaging. It covers examples of all types of materials- aluminium, cartons, jars, plastic bottles etc. There are some really quirky drinks packaging ideas too.

Deffinitely worth a quick gander at.....


Thursday 22 October 2009

"Thinking outside the box" for first years new brief....

Hi everyone,

I've just come across this useful link to help us start thinking "outside the box" for our new brief. There are some good, and quite witty, examples of products & designs used in different contexts. It's good to get us to stop trying to associate designs with their usual functions......

....(sorry its a bit of a long link)
The most relevant section is under the title "Digital Portfolio" which you'll see when you scroll down the page.....

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Seth Fitts

Beautiful use of mark making.

Keith Thompson's Leviathan Map

There's always a stunning originality to Keith Thompson's work. If you haven't checked out his macabre visions in Imagine FX or over at his official site - feast your eyes!

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Alex Trochut

Wonderful examples of graphic design using fluid and mechanical form throughout his work. Hats off to Kieron for the find.

Sunday 11 October 2009

Doing lots with very little

Obvious title-related jokes aside (but still go ahead and make 'em), this shows what trial, error and perseverance can give you.

Thursday 8 October 2009

A fantastic artist who summarises games and films into mediums very effectively, check out his work.

one of my all time favourite short films encorporating stop animation and live action.

I know its off the beaten track with the current project but it is a fantastic short film that reminds me of the great films i love and the subjects explored that are always entertaining. let me know what you think

for 2-d students to think laterally.....

old ps2 game that utilises repetition in both form i.e shapes and the basic gameplay to create sound repetition also. I link the two anyway, let me know what you think and were this took your thoughts on the subject of symmetry, geometry and serial planes

Serial Planes - Flexible Furniture

Genius! Some research for you courtesy of Dave from the first year.

Monday 24 August 2009

Monday 17 August 2009

Year One Summer Project

The project is simple – Only using a black pen and the colour orange produce 10 drawings on 10 pieces paper measuring 10cm by 10cm.

Keep your eyes open - observe. You can draw anything you like from life, the limitation in format, size, colour and medium should restrict your drawings and force you to produce 10 graphical exercises. Look at weight of line as much as wit - you may play with adding quirky slogans and illustrate from them. Or, a diagramatic drawing of a house or interior.

They don't have to be works of art you have spent hours on - learn to 'symbolise and summarise'.

Why not upload your observations and chat about the project amongst yourselves before you start the course.

Welcome Year One FdA

Hello all,

I’d like to welcome you to Year One of the FdA Design course and hope you have had a decent summer, despite the rubbish weather.

We’ve decided to send you a summer project to keep you company and hopefully give you a little something to discuss during induction week. I would also like to introduce you to the official Blogspot we have set up for you – We would like to encourage you to use this area of the tinterweb throughout the year. For now, it is the perfect place to introduce yourselves and hopefully help each other out with the project. Perhaps you’ll share ideas, research, or even some of the final pieces.

In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer and I look forward to meeting you all in September.

Richard Johnson
Year One Course Leader

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Brand Development Case Study

Case study from Fluid Design on the reboot of an existing franchise, with emphasis on how research informed the final design solutions.

A good chance to look at a brief and how it's broken down.

Monday 13 July 2009

BBH London

Outstanding advertising campaigns from one of the leading companies in their field.
Watch the highlights and all the Ads here -

Personal favourite is the Audi advert of the character in the box folding the shape of the car. Incredible.

Thursday 2 July 2009

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Saturday 13 June 2009

Cover Art Case Study

A nice little case study on the progression of a videogame box design from concept to final artwork.

Monday 1 June 2009

Promotional Items

Looking for exciting self-promo stuff? Try for business cards, mini business cards, and STICKERS, available on standard or recycled stock. Prices are good, and you can have a different image on each and every card.

There's also which does cool little business card booklets, but is more expensive than


Friday 24 April 2009

Now Showing

Just flicking through some of the old Monograph's from Creative Review and was reminded how good the 'Now Showing' posters are. Wonderful retro redesigns from leading designers.

Zip Up Tangles

Yanko Design

Yanko Design is a web magazine dedicated to introducing the best modern international design - from industrial design, concepts, technology, interior design, architecture, exhibition and fashion. It’s about the cutting edge and the classic, the new and the rediscovered. It’s all about the best.

If you recall the Letterpress cover of Janurary's Creative Review at a letterpress workshop in São Paulo - Coolhunting has made a very nice film at the same workshop, interviewing the guys who printed the original cover artwork

Jarvis does Nike

Illustrator James Jarvis and Shynola director Richard Kenworthy have collaborated on a lovely new film for Nike. Oh, and you can see Jarvis talk at our Portfolios event.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Ten Graphic Design Paradoxes

06: Ideas usually fail not because they're bad ideas, but because they're badly presented. The ability to present an idea is as important as the idea itself. The single most important thing we need to remember when presenting work to clients is that they are terrified at the prospect of what we are going to show them. For clients, commissioning design is like going into a furniture showroom to buy a sofa and being told by the salesperson, “Sure, I can sell you a sofa. But I can’t show it to you.” Who ever spent money on something they couldn’t see? Yet this is precisely what we ask our clients to do when they commission us.

For the rest of the article, head on over to -

Thursday 16 April 2009

Create your own books! is a great lil resource for all who'd like to create professional books/portfolios. They have a wide range of book templates and pricing is based on page count/quality. Download their easy to use software, populate it with your work (you have creative freedom) and submit. They'll print and post to your door! Perfect for 2nd yr student portfolios or any other projects you'd like to compile into a book :)

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Friday 13 March 2009

Terminator Salvation - Animated Poster

Some may have seen this one doing the rounds at cinemas. If you can manage to link to the animated version - great example of both strong art direction and marketing. Expect to see more of these animated posters for most marketing campaigns from now on.

Tim Burton's Alice

Okay, so the link is in French - but some first glimpses of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland have appeared online to wet your appetite.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Iron Fists

I'm currently writing an essay about how the public relations industry and mass consumerism is used to influence propaganda and public opinion through advertising and design.

My source material dates back to the early 1920's when Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays coined the term 'public relations' and created techniques for business that would subconsciously influence public desire.

I am reading Steven Heller's 'Iron Fists : branding of the 20th century totalitarian state' as Bernays's methods somewhat resemble powers of suggestion used by Hitler, government officials such as Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan; not to mention the more recent political campaign of President Obama.

If anyone has any source information (books, articles, documentaries, blogs) they think would be benficial then please let me know, especially in the area of Barack Obamas campaign strategies.

I have a quote from Hellers book that I would like people to pass comment on. Do you agree or disagree and why?

"Modern totalitarian states market themselves both to reinforce their power over a captive populace obliged to consume the dominant ideology and to extend the reach of that ideology to the hold-outs, the not yet captive, and the next generation. Corporate branding, on the other hand, is ostensibly a benign practice, intended to convince consumers to make informed choices."

Please visit my blog to leave comments...

Thank you!

Thursday 19 February 2009

Local Networking

I may or may not have mentioned this before but there's a couple of Nottingham based collectives for those who make things and have lots of work to sell, or for those who just want to meet people within industry...

The Nottingham Craft Mafia, founded by a friend of mine, is a membership based scheme that puts on exhibitions and events to showcase members work. They also have their own shop next to the Malt Cross.

Glug is a networking evening held at Brownes. for those that use MyFace and such things.