Friday 4 December 2009

inspiration in other mediums......

hey you bloggers....

whenever i find i have creative blocks i try to gain new inspiration through watching other mediums such as mooching through youtube or as in this case going to creative websites and playing or searching, as i have found in the past that when youre not looking too hard the answer appears. So with this in mind i wanted to post a link to this website for a film called 'Donnie Darko'. If you haven't seen it well go on and buy it for three pounds form most consumerist chains as most independents have long since passed, but anyway thats me venting my anti- capitalist views as i frequently do in my head, more so in the relevance that this new project is for poetry. With poetry its about imagining a text and interpretation, websites can also show these same values. If anything have fun and enjoy the graphics alone.....



David Wallis said...

actually you need to have watched the film to do the website. bugger i dont own it myself talk about pot and kettle scenario....

Emma Morris. said...

Dave, I took your word for it and visited as I admit, i've never seen the film.
-It's an interesting website in itself with it's page layouts and errie background music to help "set the scene" and getting the viewer to engage more. Even just the simple things of displaying everything on the lower right corner of the site help to "add" to it.
Nice one Dave with your never ending fountain of knowledge.....

David Wallis said...

see the film. fopp has it for three whole pounds!

David Wallis said...

i know nothing am making it up as i go along you see