Sunday 10 January 2010

New Year - Good times!

Happy New Year and That!

Second years, see you at the end of the week. Be impressive.

Here be links -

Full of design resources - Lorem Ipsum generator, binding information, web banner sizes and browser safe areas, and so on. Mad useful, yo.

Lovely time-saving keyboard shortcut 'cheat sheets'.

This season's colours, according to Pantone.

Using the internet for fun and games - there's the odd design-related bit, but it's the vengeful creativity that gets me. Happy days.

Animated goodness - 3D cell-shaded dystopian nightmare with pencil marks as texture detail.

And finally:
This has been bugging me for years, and might possibly be the most useful Illustrator thing you'll read all year. Or week. Or day.

I liked it.

1 comment:

Ash said...

Hey mike such a coincidence, I was reading that David Thorn thing just the other night (somewhere else on the internet but dont know where)I also like his seven legged spider and codehunters is still amazing.
Anyway let me know when your in college ill try and make the trip over to say hi.