Monday 1 September 2008

Introduce yourselves...

Come on, don't be shy...


design@ncn said...

Hello all,

My name is Richard Johnson and I will be one of your Course Leaders and Lecturers throughout the duration of the two year FdA course.

My specialism is in Graphic Design, in which I have worked professionally for ten years now after winning a D&AD First Award (you'll find out how important a Yellow Pencil is). What's the point in not practicing what you preach? If you wish to view my work feel free to visit

I won't lie to any of you, becoming a Graphic Designer is extremely difficult. On my course I expect any student who enrolls to give 200%. It isn't good enough to be good - you have to be 'great'. The projects we write are meant to engage and challenge you as designers - help you become informed and develop an opinion.

If you really are here to waste my time and other tutors', while burning 4k - then feel free. You're adult learners now and responsible for your own decisions in life. So keep on stoking the fire with those crisp notes.

But think of this, one day you may be asked to design something, which involves decision making on an entirely different level that pays very well. Have the right attitude, be committed to the discipline and it will pay off.

Most importantly - enjoy what you do.


Unknown said...

Hello, I'll introduce myself first.

My name is Tammy. I am 30 years old, happily married to Ian (who is about to begin his second year FDA Multimedia at NCN.) I have two kids; a 6 year old girl and a four year old boy. My little boy starts school full time on Friday!!

I am really looking forward to the course in September as I feel I am a very creative person - I am very nervous, though. I'm sure I'll feel better when I get to know everyone.

I really love art - my favourite place in the world is the Louvre, in Paris. I also love the modernism from The Tate. I enjoy surrealism, with my favourite artists being Dali and Magritte. I also enjoy photography and taking macro shots, and a passion I have is to make short films. This is something I am hoping to achieve via one of the projects on this course, you never know!! Although I am planning to make a short film with my husband for the Bang festival in the Broadway cinema.

Well, where do I start with my life....I am originally from Liverpool (scouser born and bred!!) I have a degree in English Literature, and have wrote a short stories book which was published, although it didn't make me rich!!

My husband and I moved to America for a couple of years where we had a business together, but I got homesick and wanted to come back to the UK. We came back two years ago and settled in Nottingham.

I'm hoping this course will help focus and develop my creative side so I can gain a successful career in this field.

I look forward to getting to know everyone.

bye for now, T x

design@ncn said...

Nothing to worry about Tammy - you'll fit in no problem. I'd love to read some of your stories, writing is something I also do in my spare time and also have a short film in development with a local Director.

I think you'll find that most of us creatives are of 'like mind'. Passion and motivation is the key and I think you are already becoming known for your enthusiasm on this blog.

Take care for now and enjoy the new posts.


Unknown said...

hold up... what's this short film?!? you've kept that one quiet.

design@ncn said...

Well, I don't tell you everything Jennie ;op If you want to know more about it, message via Facebook and I'll let you know. I want to hear about all of you, not me.

Your interest though is hugely appreciated as ever.


Anonymous said...

Hi its ash, thought Id start by saying that I cant wait to get back for the second year. Hopefully its going to be as interesting and enjoyable if not more so than the first.

I'm not sure if my 50 ideas are actually ideas or just a lot of doodles and illustrations that ive been doing over the summer, a few have been developed further and have been posted on deviant art (well only about 2 of them actually but never mind).

See you all at the end of the month

kat said...

Hi im Kat, im 23 and i have a 10 month old baby girl called michelle.
I am excited about starting this course but also very nervous as i have been out of education for 3 years. During this time i have been working for Severn Trent Water as an operator.

I have lived up and down the country. I attended the Halt school in Wokingham, Brekshire then moved to Yorkshire to go to Craven College Skipton. After that i came to Derby for Uni but it didnt work out for me so instead of going home i stayed and got a job.
However i am a creative person who loves art and i wish to gain a career in design, so i decided to have my best shot at this course

design@ncn said...

Everything I know about design I learned from the Sopranos.

On client relationships:

“When you’re bleeding a guy, you don’t squeeze him dry right away. Contrarily, you let him do his bidding, suavely.
So you can bleed him next week and the week after, at minimum.”

We’re not guilty of bleeding our students dry, but I think we’re guilty of squeezing them. (stay with me here)
Our projects, tutorial system, open office door policy, offers the students a chance to build on and improve their skills, and us as staff will keep offering greater challenges as they progress. You need to squeeze for 64 weeks minimum.

On creative blocks:

“My advice? Put that thing down a while, we get our joints copped, and tomorrow the words’ll come blowing out your ass.”

Our projects are designed to help the student learn, but not everything about being a student should be concerned with academia. We, I believe, offer an environment that is conducive with work and play. We have excellent support systems in place to help the students with everyday troubles, we have excellent LRC’s, and supportive staff. In other words, we can allow the students to ‘put the thing down a while.’

On creative planning:

“Event planning? It’s gay, isn’t it?”

Despite some folk not fully understanding what we do, what we do do, we do rather well.
There is a belief that people with creative degrees are very employable. We don’t panic when we are shown shapes and colours.

On Professional behaviour:

“You don’t think. You disrespect this place.
That’s the reason why you were passed the f**k over.”

We may at times ask for forgiveness rather than permission, do everything last minute, but the end of year show is testament to the professional behaviour of the staff and students.
We offer a flexible, differentiated approach to each student, and the methods of assessment and grading offer the chance not to be ‘passed over.’

On appropriation:

“F**kin espresso, cappuccino. We invented this s**t. And all of these other c**ksuckers are getting’ rich off us.”

“Oh, again with the rape of the culture.”

Imitation, influence, and iteration are crucial to design development. The only requirement is that the goal is transformation, not replication.
I believe our students fully understand the difference between primary and secondary research, and are comfortable with all things multi cultural, even latte.

On the unintended consequences of technology:

“It sounds to me like Anthony Jr. may have stumbled into existentialism.”

“F**king internet.”

There is never a time when IT isn’t mentioned, either by an EV, a member of staff or a student. Not always favourably I might add, but we’d be a lot worse off without it. Designers believe that advanced technology is our best proof that God exists.

On commitment:

“I came home one day, shot her four times. Twice in the head. Killed her aunt too. I didn’t know she was there. And the mailman. At that point, I had to fully commit.”

If you’re serious about doing this, don’t bother unless you’re willing to fully commit.
Our interview process helps us check for commitment. Okay, so we have targets and as a consequence get it wrong sometimes, but we’re not able to take the guy out and have him ‘whacked’, so we’d better get him committed.

On aesthetics:

“Not in the face, okay? You give me that? Keep my eyes?”

Designers like to think that it’s not about how it looks. It’s about how it communicates, or how it changes the world. All true, except it’s also about how it looks.
Making things look beautiful – or engaging, or funny, or provocative- is anything but a superficial exercise. We all get ‘whacked’ now and then. Just make sure you get to keep your eyes.

This is something I adapted from an article I found on the Web. It was delivered to the college Principal, who, it has to be said, left the presentation without a smile on his face. Go figure!

Anonymous said...

Hii Everyone,

My name is Nanaki, am 19 years old. I've studied A levels in Art & Design, ICT and AS Level in Product Design at Djanogly City Academy 6th Form.

I am looking forwards to study Design. I'm really excited but also very nervous.

I look forward to getting to know everyone. Hope you had good summer time.

Anonymous said...

Hi , I'm Keighley...I'm really excited about the course but at the same time incrdeibly nervous and apprehensive..I haven't studied for 4 yrs now and I am in full time employment, however because I work shifts and have many days off I've luckily been told that I can attend college on these days off..I do not enjoy the job I am in and this has driven me to pursue this course!
I am quite shy when I first meet people and this is one thing I'm hoping the course will help me with.
I live with my fiance and we marry next year (out of term time)luckily!- I have been busy designing and making all of the stationery!
My interests within art and design - I really ike Pop Art and Abstract Art..I have a little interest in architecture..Really like Kevin McCloud!
After hopefully succesfully completing this course I intend to work for a Design company for a while before hopefully setting up my own business.
Can't wait to see what is in store and no doubt this is going to be a fun and enjoyable challenege.

Mike C said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike C said...

Hi all,

My name is Earl.

Mike. My name is Mike, and I am about to join the second year of this here course.

I am happily married to my lovely wife Beth, who can now spot bad kerning at 50 paces. In return, I have learned that Bones is good watchin'.

This year I do solemnly swear to have a tidier desk, and to continue to infuriate Steve by not quite going for lunch on time.

P.S. The deleted comment was me, because I'm an idiot.

P.P.S. I heart graphics.

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's Natalie.

I'm really excited to start the second year and get back into college life. Although i'm somewhat nervous about the even bigger challenge that year two involves I can't wait.

See you all soon, Nat.

Anonymous said...

Hi its Rowena.

I'm looking forward to starting the 2nd year in Graphic Design and seeing all the new (and old) faces!

design@ncn said...

hello my name is ammi. i will be your sign language communicator throughout your course. my role is to primariliy give communcation access to deaf students on your course. i will be giving you all a brief deaf awareness talk during induction week, here i will give you helpful hints on communcating with deaf students directly.
im looking forward to taking this journey with you.


MeZzA said...

This is not an essay... it is merely a sentence !